This project includes design, develop and kinematics analysis of QuattroTaar 3-DOF parallel robot inspired by the Quattro parallel robot.
I designed the robot with a singularity-free workspace, developed the robot for very fast pick and place applications. The key feature of this design is how to design low friction joints. We used self-lubricant materials. Links are also made of costume made carbon-fibers to decrease the inertia and mass.
CAD model of the QuattroTaar’s limb.
QuattroTaar 4-DOF parallel robot
QuattroTaar 4-DOF Parallel Robot

QuattroTaar 4-DOF Parallel Robot
Optimal Design and Fabrication of a 4-DOF Quattrotaar Parallel Robot with Singularity-Free Workspace by ABC and PSO Algorithms
Simulation of the four degree of freedom parallel robot (Quattrotaar) is subjective of this paper. The mathematical model of the …